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Applications Empty Applications

Post  Fairy Tail Mon Aug 11, 2008 5:55 am

Welcome to the application topic. If you're reading this then you're either a viewer or perhaps someone whom is interested in joining the guild and intends on applying to us. We are still recruiting numerous class's so there isn't any rush or a need to post what classes we're after. This thread will be updated as we take on new recruits, meaning eventually we will have to narrow down what we're after Crying or Very sad .

Don't let it stop you from applying to LOLRET AWMFG though, we might just take you on if we think you have a killer attitude and put effort into you applications Exclamation

Current Classes Open.
{Legend} Highly Wanted - Average - Closed

Druid - Open (2 Resto 2 Feral)
Mage - Open
Hunter - Open (1 Survival 2 BM prefered)
Paladin - Open (2 Holy 1 Prot)
Priest - Open (2 Holy)
Rogue - Open (Combat Only)
Shaman - Open (Resto)
Warlock - Open
Warrior - Open (Prot Only)

Please follow our Template
Fairy Tail
Fairy Tail

Posts : 106
Join date : 2008-08-11
Location : Hua Hin, Thailand

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Applications Empty Re: Applications

Post  Fairy Tail Mon Aug 18, 2008 11:28 am

Updated 18th August 2008.
Fairy Tail
Fairy Tail

Posts : 106
Join date : 2008-08-11
Location : Hua Hin, Thailand

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